Privacy notice


This Privacy Notice applies to all individuals who are invited to participate in the South Copeland Community Visioning Forums.

This Privacy Notice explains what data we process, why we do so, how it is legal and your rights.

About us and this privacy notice

This Privacy Notice is provided by Nuclear Waste Services Limited ("NWS" or we” or “us”), our registered office is located at Pelham House, Pelham Drive, Calderbridge, Seascale, Cumbria, United Kingdom, CA20 1DB, and we are registered in England and Wales (Company no. 13551995).

We are a ‘controller’ for the purposes of the UK General Data Protection Regulation and the UK Data Protection Act 2018 (“Data Protection Laws”). This means that we are responsible for deciding how we hold and use personal information about you. We are also registered with the UK Information Commissioner’s Office ("ICO").

We are committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information. This privacy notice sets out the standards you can expect from us when we collect, hold or use your personal information.

We ask that you read this Privacy Notice carefully as it contains important information about our processing and your rights.


How to contact us

If you need to contact us about this Privacy Notice, use the details below:

Data Protection Officer: Seda Luke

Nuclear Waste Services

Building 150, Thomson Avenue

Harwell, Oxford OX11 0GD

Telephone number: 0300 369 0000


Changes to the Privacy Notice

We may change this Privacy Notice from time to time. Changes to the purposes for which we process your data will be highlighted to you.

This Privacy Notice was last updated on 1st August 2024.

What information we collect

We collect information that you provide when registering for events.

The information may include the following categories of personal data (not exhaustive):

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Details of the local area in which you live (not your address)
  • Dietary (allergy) requirements
  • Accessibility requirements for venue access
  • Feedback on topics discussed, how events were run and any improvements we can make

Why we use your information

We hold Visioning Forums to help form a local Community Vision for the future. If you join a Forum, we will use information on the town or village in which you live and feedback from you on the local area to help form specific local Community needs, aspirations and emerging themes. We will also process your information to arrange your attendance and to improve current and future events.

Lawful grounds for processing

Processing of personal data is deemed acceptable within the UK GDPR for the following reasons and legal basis:

Public task

NWS can carry out data processing activities if the processing is necessary for us to perform a task in the public interest of for official functions, which have a clear basis in law.

Substantial public interest

We process data about your dietary and accessibility requirements because the processing is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest. Our condition under the Data Protection Act 2018 is statutory and government purposes, with the relevant statutory purpose being our duty to provide reasonable adjustments under the Equality Act 2010.

How we keep your personal data secure

We implement appropriate technical and organisational measures in order to protect your personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss or alteration, unauthorised disclosure or access and any other unlawful forms of processing. We aim to ensure that the level of security and the measures adopted to protect your personal data are appropriate for the risks presented by the nature and use of your personal data.

Organisations that we may share your data with

For general management and oversight purposes, we may share personal information with the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (“NDA”), as we are a wholly-owned subsidiary of the NDA, and the relevant government department that sponsors us (please contact us if you would like further information).

Like any business or organisation, we use third party suppliers to assist with our operations such as event management, web page hosting, and other IT services. These third parties will process your personal data in order to carry out their services for us. We take steps to ensure that our service providers process your data in accordance with the Data Protection Laws, only use it in accordance with our contract with them and keep it secure.

Other than stated above, we do not pass your personal data to third parties, unless required to do so by law or unless we have your consent to do so.

Transfers of your personal data outside the UK to the EEA

The service providers that we share your personal data with may from time to time, transfer personal data outside the UK but within the EEA. Any such international transfer of your data will be carried out in accordance with the Data Protection Laws to safeguard your privacy rights and give you remedies in the unlikely event of a security breach or to any other similar approved mechanisms. If you would like more information about our processors and any international transfers of your data, please contact us using the details at the “How to contact us” section.

Retention and deletion of your personal data

We only retain your personal information for as long as we need it in order to provide you with the service you have requested from us. If you have participated in our Community Visioning Forums, we will keep your information for a period of 12 months after you join the Forum so that we can continue to seek your views on topics which may be of interest to you or which relate to the area in which you live. We delete dietary or mobility information after the event has taken place.

You can ask us to remove your personal information from our systems by contacting us via the details above in the section "How to contact us".

Your data protection rights

You have the following rights under the Data Protection Laws:

  • Right to be informed about processing your personal data
  • Right to object to processing of your personal data
  • Right of access to personal data relating to you (data subject access request)
  • Right to correct any mistakes in your personal data
  • Right to ask us to stop contacting you with direct marketing or newsletters
  • Right to prevent or limit your personal data being processed
  • Right to withdraw your consent
  • Right to erasure

If you would like to exercise your rights, please contact us at the details set out above in the section “How to contact us” section.

We will respond to any rights that you exercise within a month of receiving your request, unless the request is particularly complex, in which case we will respond within three months. We will let you know when we will respond on receipt of a valid request. Please note that exceptions apply to some of these rights which we will apply in accordance with the law.

How to complain

When you provide us with information, we will process it in accordance with the Data Protection Laws. If you believe your information has not been handled in accordance with this Privacy Notice by NWS, please contact us using the details in the “How to contact us” section.

Alternatively, you may complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office. Information about how to do this is available on its website at